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Lebron's NBA final chances if he had the Raptors of Jurassic World for teammates instead of the Cavs

Published on Jun 24, 2021 by Vivek on Sports

Lebron's NBA final chances if he had the Raptors of Jurassic World for teammates instead of the Cavs

How would Lebron play with Velociraptors

TLDR: Velociraptors are freaking sick.

So I have been thinking about how the Cavs kinda suck and they rely on LeBron for basically everything. I think I came up with a solution. Instead of LeBron having to rely on the Cavs all he needs to do is just use the Velociraptors from Jurassic World

So here’s how things would play out.

We’ve got the big four Velociraptors: Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo.


Blue would 100% be Lebron’s beta and no doubt he’d be running the 1. Blue has phenomenal speed and quickness and he can really get aggressive when he needs to. Also Blue is a freaking genius, one might say an Einstein of Velociraptors. Basketball IQ ya know. Furthermore, Blue is a freaking raptor, so he strikes fear into the opposition and plays great defense. Think of him as a less whiny Chris Paul.


Charlie is the youngest of the group. Young Charlie (Charles?) might need some calming down on the big stage, but with Blue and LeBron mentoring him, I think he could come up big in crunch time. Might be turnover prone to start, but could really develop into a solid player in the future. I’m seeing a healthy Jabari Parker type, but I’m not sure his ceiling is as high. Again, young Charles is a freaking raptor.


This brings us to Delta. Delta was made with more bird DNA than her other raptor siblings so we’re looking at a high flyer. We’re talking 10 foot vertical. Easily better than Vince Carter in his prime. Delta has absolutely no jumper though so you gotta worry about floor spacing, but with LeBron’s court vision you can really expect some slick alley-oops.


Now for our final raptor, Echo. Echo actually tried to challenge Blue for pack leader in their youth which ended quite poorly. Echo has some serious attitude problems at times and can’t seem to accept his role. Your best bet is to put Echo on the low block, feed him early, and let him tear it up. Literally. Think DeMarcus Cousins for Echo.

Sign these 4 raptors to the Cavs and they win the Finals 1-0 because all of the Warriors players would get brutally murdered by the raptors in the first 10 seconds of the game.

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